
Are you buying or selling property anywhere in NSW?

Then our firm can assist you.

We assist the first home buyer, retiree, upsizer, downsizer, individual investor, corporation or self-managed superannuation fund achieve their goals. We advise on stamp duty implications and we have an understanding of taxation requirements and obligations.

The firm has extensive experience in:

  • residential, commercial and rural purchases and leases;
  • subdivisions;
  • water licences;
  • mortgages; and
  • leasing

If you have a large scale project then you can be confident that our firm has the resources to serve your needs. Many of the region’s most prominent property developers and investors rely on Duffy Elliott Lawyers due to the firm’s experience and stability.

Duffy Elliott Lawyers have embraced electronic conveyancing and were the first firm in Dubbo to have a property transaction through PEXA (Property Exchange Australia). PEXA is an online secure platform for legal firms, banks and the land registry office. It provides a faster, safer and more efficient conveyancing service. The benefit for the purchaser is legal ownership is transferred to them within 24 hours of completion whilst the vendor receives the funds from the sale into their bank account on the same day that completion occurs.

The Conveyancing Team consists of the firm’s Directors, Stephen Duffy and Robert Elliott, as well as Consultant, Robert Duffy. Whether it be a large scale development or a one-off transaction our professionals will handle your matter personally with assistance from our experienced and friendly team of support staff.

Please contact our firm to discuss your needs with one of our professionals.